Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hullabaloo 7

In to the bleak sounds of country
from machine gun rallies
my sweetest bizarre
my lovely damnation
my intrepid affair
purge juke joint logic
commands dramatic somatic intention
dementia dallies serpentine notion
copious corruption spawn newest recall
plagued champion
shaky loose tooth beggarly
common tattered trauma on pale harbor
pounding through the achy market square
on a devil’s promenade
dancing in the soiled antique nook
these are not your dwellings
stalked on stagnant waters
put down the fires malignant grooves
release out from the mushroom’d stratums
to we of shaky and of nausea
clods of conquest that circle the old-dead mare
looking for the perfect hump
Always staggering
Always pitching
To fairly idiotic ends
They burned Utica to the ground