Friday, April 20, 2007

I think we should live in the mountains at high altitudes

Poor fat fatty fat fat Hemingway
as he lay in the shit broth tub
Moan the hill-billie blues like the captain of a sludge tanker
Poor old fat Hemingway fat fatty fat
Use to be the goo-goo in a bright
humping Paris
Now the arm wrestling king
of Sloppy Joe Island
No more boys to molest
No more booze to throw-up
No bulls to fuck
Just watching the rain in hell.


Garth said...

hahaha - there are some in 'literary' circle who would class this as heresy - excellent!

Anonymous said...

Ok...this is frustrating as i KNOW i left a comment somewhere on this blog for the effect of you remind me a lot of Pisces at the far queue ...

and lo and behold - you two are linked like blood brothers of satire...

so, anyone's a friend of Pisces is a friend of mine...stop by anytime.....

I'll be setting up the links for golf ?? LOL
